October 5, 2009


Posted in Uncategorized at 3:31 am by mayasplace

Salomon and Tata

Salomon and Tata

Ok as everyone knows my son Salomon struggles is in school. All summer long I have been thinking about just home schooling him. In my mind he is not learning what he is supposed to be learning in school so trying to home school couldn’t hurt right? I mean no offense to the teachers but shit we have been struggling with him since kindergarten, and am not blaming the school or the teachers, I know my son is an ideal student.  We have moved several times and he has had many teachers , then i thought about that, well none that probably helped it him out either. I have been deabting this issue in my own mind. I have done a lot of research about different programs we can do.  And last week we got his test results from the state exams they took last year. Needless to say he failed every subject. Some people have told me well you can’t really get upset over those standardized tests, but aren’t those tests there for a reason? Ok so he is in 5th grade this year, he has already been held back one time. They will not hold him back again, regardless if he learns the material because of his age. Now what would you do at this point? I’ve been to the school or schools asked that he be tested and when they finally did test him they said nothing is wrong with him. Don’t get me wrong I love my Monie, but I am afraid if I don’t do something drastic now by the time he will be in Junior high or middle school he will have lost all interest in doing well in school. He’ll be so far behind he won’t be able to catch up. Also I am nervous about being his only educator, that is a scary thought! I just want him to be ok, I mean I know he will probably never be a straight A student and I am fine with that, but I don’t want him to struggle anymore. I have spoke to some parents who do homeschool, and they are very dedicated and wonderful at it. They all had the same fears I have and that was we don’t want to do a dis service to our kids. They told me that once they made the decision to Home school they never looked back and they are glad they did. That gives me hope! At the same time, I am still torn. Could I do a better job teaching my kid than the school full of educators who went to school for years so that they can teach? Aye! I don’t know. Any sugguestions?  I have a another meeting with Salomons teacher and princepal and counselor on Wednesday. Wish me luck!


  1. nancyk5000 said,

    Send him to me!

  2. Annaliza said,

    Wow! My heart goes out to you, Maria. A mother’s love . . . Sometimes we just don’t know what is the best for our kids. I say to keep encouraging him. Don’t ever stop letting him know that you believe in him and that he has what it takes to learn. You just have to do whatever it takes to get him motivated and believing it himself. You are all in my prayers! Love, Liza

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